New York—The Interactive Advertising Bureau has released the IAB Digital Video Rising Stars ad unit style guide for public comment. The new units are part of the IAB’s Rising Stars initiative, which seeks to create standardized creative ad formats for digital marketing. The five new units are the ad control bar, which lets users interact… Read More…
Posts for: IAB
Advertisers Moving Ad Dollars from TV to Online Video Options
The shift to online spend from traditional media (in this case TV) has been steady across the board as advertisers are starting to more fully understand the value of being in both places vs. taking a “one or the other” approach. It only makes sense. The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) has taken a keen interest in this… Read More…
5 reasons why native advertising has a bright future
There’s no question that native advertising has a bright future. Research by MandLoys indicates that 70% of users want to learn about a company or a product through content. And, let’s face it: the old models just aren’t working. Seven in 10 pre-rolls are skipped, and people rarely click on banners by choice. Simply put, if you want… Read More…