
Why CRM and SFA are yesterday – from Customer Relationship Management to Customer Engagement

2.8 million Emails per second, 400 million brand oriented tweets per day, 1 billion+ Facebook users. The rules of engagement have changed. Customers are Digitally Connected 24/7, Socially Networked in multiple ways and have access to information than ever before. In this world, where 79% of customers spend at least 50% of shopping time researching products… Read More…

Get Ready For Online Video Ads To Eat Everything

Online video is poised to be the next big trend for online advertising. How do I know this? More specifically, how do I know this outside of the fact that every research analyst and thought leader in the space has been predicting this trend for years? Because 1) media buyers are increasingly moving their TV… Read More…

The Rise of Social TV: How Social Media Is Amplifying TV Advertising

Research has shown that TV-watching and social media usage isn’t mutually exclusive. Consumers appear to love using social media while they watch TV. Many discuss what they’re watching, and these conversations continue long after air-time, with TV-linked chatter accounting for a significant percentage of overall social media activity. TV industry players and TV-focused marketers realized they could piggyback… Read More…

5 reasons why native advertising has a bright future

There’s no question that native advertising has a bright future. Research by MandLoys indicates that 70% of users want to learn about a company or a product through content.  And, let’s face it: the old models just aren’t working. Seven in 10 pre-rolls are skipped, and people rarely click on banners by choice. Simply put, if you want… Read More…

Mobile Advertising Check-Up Reveals Turbulence and Steep Growth

Mobile advertising looks like a spring seedling underneath the massive cloud that was $216 billion worth of all advertising in the U.S. last year. While it produced almost $4.75 billion, or 2 percent of all ad spend last year, mobile is riding a wave of growth that continues to outpace online by a large margin. Online… Read More…

Mobile Advertising Reconnects with Consumers

Check out this video from TEDxLondonBusinessSchool talking about everything from statistics on mobile ownership, mobile ad buying, and mobile advertising dollars.  

Shy About Online Video? Here’s Why Companies Should Jump In

While video is widely used on many brand sites nowadays, there are still plenty of conservative companies — especially financial companies — that haven’t tried it out. Perhaps they’re worried about going off-message and damaging the brand, or maybe they’re leery about putting their top executives in front of the camera. They may not use… Read More…

How Social Media Is Revolutionizing Online Video

Television is no longer the only game in town for distributing and watching video. The Internet and the social web have provided content creators and advertisers with a cost-effective way to distribute video.”Social” video  is video that is influenced — in any part of the pipeline, from production to distribution — by social media. For audiences,… Read More…

Doing Mobile Monetization The Right Way

This year alone, there is an $11.4 billion mobile advertising opportunity, which means there is tremendous upside for nimble and innovative startups with disruptive mobile-first models. As we saw from Facebook last year, the company was able to turn around and actually make something of its mobile business – a business that didn’t exist at the time of IPO. However,… Read More…

YouTube Mobile Ad Sales Triple Over 6 Months

About a quarter of its 1 billion users view videos on smartphones YouTube tripled ad sales on mobile devices in the past six months, generating an estimated $350 million in the last quarter alone, Bloomberg reported. About a quarter of the Google-owned company’s 1 billion global users access the service via mobile. Because YouTube accounts for… Read More…